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The Primos hunting trip to Miller Point went great. Brad Farris and Art Mott spent 3 days with Tommy Howard, Clint Davis, Tim Jones, and myself. They absolutely loved Miller Point. They repeatedly said “this is a special place”, and they have seen a lot of them. They actually killed a 4.5 year old 9 point this morning that everyone will get to see on “The Truth 17” and many times on the outdoor channel during their weekly show. It was not big by any means but it was somewhat heavy and the video actually makes it look a lot larger than it was. The actual footage they got was great, they actually filmed a buck trying to gore the 9pt. after they had killed him. They have film of 2 young 10 points ,larger than the deer they shot, and several other bucks chasing does. Brad interviewed Randy as well. All of the Miller Point members are going to receive a copy of “the truth 17” this summer once it’s complete.